Back to School: Styling Lace Dresses

It's back to school season for many of us and while we may not be excited for early mornings, there is definitely some thrill when it comes to picking outfits for the new school year.
As we're transitioning into Fall, I thought the best way to bring summer vibes onto campus would be to combine lace dresses with different types of accessories. Here are three looks you can wear before the "I don't feel like dressing up" feeling hits midway through the year.
Look # 1: For all you edgy girls- wear your leather jacket and black heels to toughen up your image.
Look # 2: Opposite of look # 1...pair your dress with gold accents for a sweet and flirty look. Nude heels will make your legs appear longer and draw attention to your cute dress and you.
Look # 3: For the Indie Traveler: Throw on your distressed jean jacket, brown leather sandals and hat for a relaxed feel on the first day of school.
Note: Some schools don't allow heels or hats, so feel free to adjust these looks to your style and school dress code.
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